Hark The Herald
Opening Words
Advent Crown
The flame of this candle reminds us that He is the light of the world, and if we follow him we will never walk in darkness, but will have the true light of life.
Let us pray:
God our Father,
today the Saviour is born
and those who live in darkness are seeing a great light.
Help us, who greet the birth of Christ with joy,
to live in the light of your Son
and to share the good news of your love.
We ask this through Jesus Christ,
the light who has come into the world.
Lord of grace and truth,
we confess our unworthiness
to stand in your presence as your children.
We have sinned: forgive and heal us.
The Virgin Mary accepted your call
to be the mother of Jesus.
Forgive our disobedience to your will.
We have sinned: forgive and heal us.
Your Son our Saviour
was born in poverty in a manger.
Forgive our greed and rejection of your ways.
We have sinned: forgive and heal us.
The shepherds left their flocks
to go to Bethlehem.
Forgive our self-interest and lack of vision.
We have sinned: forgive and heal us.
The wise men followed the star
to find Jesus the King.
Forgive our reluctance to seek you.
We have sinned: forgive and heal us.
May God who loved the world so much
that he sent his Son to be our Saviour
forgive us our sins
and make us holy to serve him in the world,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Bible reading: Luke 2:8-18
Whilst Shepherds Watched
Christmas Story
Silent Night
hallowed be your name;
your kingdom come;
your will be done;
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power
and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.
Mary Did You Know?
Closing Words
May the joy of the angels,
the eagerness of the shepherds,
the perseverance of the wise men,
the obedience of Joseph and Mary,
and the peace of the Christ-child
be ours this Christmas;