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Hedge End’s Got Talent

We are really excited to announce we will be running a Hedge End’s Got Talent event
in partnership with Wildern and Deer Park secondary schools!
Hedge End’s Got Talent will take place at
St Luke’s Church, Hedge End,
on Friday 21st March from 7pm
and will have a first prize of £200.
We’re looking for a range of acts including musicians, poets, dancers and more!
To apply, please read all the instructions below and send an application form and video of your act (maximum of 4 minutes) to by Sunday 23rd February. The competition is open to all students at Wildern and Deer Park schools. Due to space confinements, we can only accept dance groups with a maximum of 3-4 people in.
Application Instructions
APPLICATION FORM• Please complete the form (link above) and send it to us with a video of your act
to by Sunday 23rd February
• In your video please say your name and school
so we can link it to your application form if they get separated
• Videos should be a maximum of 4 minutes long (shorter is fine!)
• If your video is too large to send over email, please use WeTransfer
• On WeTransfer’s website, upload your video on the left,
and send it across to –
in the title space please put ‘HEGT application’ and your act name!
Any video you send us will be deleted after the event. You can read our Data Privacy Notice for how we handle your data at the link below. Please also make sure you copy in a parent or guardian to your email application. Unfortunately, we’re unable to accept any application where a parent or guardian hasn’t been copied in. Please make it clear if your application is sent to us by your parent or guardian!
Please note that if we have lots of applicants we may have to shortlist. We will be back in touch with you the week of the 24th February about your application whatever the outcome.
We’re really looking forward to receiving your application and the Hedge End’s Got Talent event! Tickets to attend the event will be available to reserve in a few weeks’ time, so please keep an eye on our social media! If you have any questions, please reach out to us at
Church News
Christmas at St Luke’s
We had a fantastic time celebrating Christmas at St Luke’s! Advent kicked off with a brilliant Nativity service jointly led by our Children’s Church and Junction 7 (our youth group). All the children and young people did a great job and it was a super fun way to reflect on what each person in the Nativity brought to God, and what gifts we might bring.
Other highlights of course included the Carol Service at Church and carols services at CrackleRock, Botley. The reflective service was a welcomed quieter space of refuges amongst the chaos and busyness of Christmas.
We love having fun at Christmas and so at our Christmas Eve All Age Service we were thinking about God’s mission and how we’re invited into this. Our Vicar, Ben, took part in a mission of his own during the service trying to get to church and rode in on a tandem just in time to preach! At St Luke’s we like to pin our Christmas Day service onto something significant that happened during the year. Our theme for 2024 was the Olympics and so we had some special St Luke’s Olympics challenges alongside our worship.
A huge thank you goes out to all those involved in making these services happen, and to all who came to celebrate Christmas with us!
You can also listen back to some of the Bible readings and sermons through the link below.

30th Anniversary!
St Luke’s recently celebrated its 30th Anniversary. A booklet was compiled of the hoistory and memories of the church since it was first formed. Please click the link below to access the booklet.
30th Anniversary Booklet
To mark the occasion, we had an amazing time celebrating our church building turning 30 on the 13th October! It was a great weekend filled with reminiscing on the history of the church, returning faces, a wonderful service with the Bishop on Sunday, and hopes for the next 30 years. Thank you to everyone who was involved in organising the events over the weekend and to all those who came and partied with us!

Click on the groups below to find out more about them.
Toddlers & Babies
Minnows PlaygroupProjects & Partnerships
Stewarding God’s creation
Promoting ethical trading
Local food donations
Fighting global poverty
National climate action
Supporting local children
The Team
Please find the members of St Luke’s team below.
If you need to get in touch with the team, please use the contact form.

Ben Jones

Clive Beard

Rosie Adams
Pastoral Care Team

Martin Phillips
Licensed Lay Minister
Ministry Leadership Team
Mission & Outreach

Jeanette Harrison
Parish Administrator

Maddie Thorp
Youth Ministry Coordinator

Janet Compton
Safeguarding Officer Eco Church

Sue Phillips
Pastoral Care TeamChildren & Youth

Brenda Whitby
Assistant Churchwarden

Jon Diaper
Assistant Churchwarden

Sonya McCall
Assistant Churchwarden

David Tyser
Assistant Churchwarden

Sam Mathew
Health and Safety Officer

David Cuthbert
Deanery Synod

Mandy Dean
Deanery Synod

Gary Holcombe
Deanery Synod

Alastair Dobson

Emma Blamey
Children & Youth
Eco Church

Rose Spink
Children & Youth

Anne Duffin

Nibu Thomas

Jacob Blamey
Senior Leadership Team
Communications & Publicity
Eco Church
Contact us
Want to get in touch? We would be happy to hear from you.
Please submit an enquiry using the form below or phone us on: 01489 781448
About us
We are a contemporary, caring, diverse and Christ centred church, drawn together by our desire to know and follow Jesus. We seek to provide a safe place where all people can find faith, friendship, support and direction, and where we can be inspired to be a blessing in our families, neighbourhoods and networks.
We believe the role of a church is threefold: to worship God, to build community and to equip people to live Kingdom lives which point others towards God. In shorthand, we might describe this as ‘up, in and out’.
Firstly, we are built to worship God. In the words of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, our ‘chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever’. (Up) At St. Luke’s, we enjoy worshipping God! Our services are fun, engaging and relevant. Our musical style is predominantly contemporary, with band-led worship, and our preaching style is informal, seeking to explore what the bible says and to interpret and apply it within our 21st century context.
Secondly, we are built to live in community. As 1 Corinthians 12 puts it, we are one body with many parts, and it’s only as we engage with, value and nurture one another that we can truly achieve our potential. (In) We have a variety of small groups, services and events which seek to build our community. Our home, youth and children’s groups aim to deepen discipleship in a safe environment, and our social groups (walking, table-tennis, dancing, book group etc) enable us to get to know one another, encourage one another and have fun with one another whilst doing things we love.
Thirdly, we are called to be those who follow Jesus, seeking to live as he lived: serving the needy, including the outsider, standing up to oppression, speaking out against injustice, loving our neighbour and, by words and action, pointing people towards God. (Out) At St. Luke’s, we believe that we are just as much ‘church’ when we are dispersed as when we are gathered. We seek to encourage all our members to live lives which bless others and point to God. We also run outward-looking events, such as our youth café, coffee drop-in and toddler group, and are involved with other charities and organisations, such as foodbank, Eco Church, Fledge, Simon Says and Christian Aid.
Our Values
Following in Jesus’ footsteps, we value:
God is love. We celebrate and welcome every person.
We are called to holiness and discipleship in the power of God’s Spirit.
Good News
We seek to live this out: having fun together, serving our community and loving our world.
St Luke’s church is located in Hedge End, Hampshire. Use the link below to find us on a map.
St Luke’s is a beautiful, modern church situated in Grange Park, in the Parish of Hedge End, in the Deanery of Eastleigh, in the Winchester Diocese, UK.
St Luke’s has several newly renovated rooms for hire in addition to the worship area. The rooms are modern and versatile: ideal spaces for weekly or monthly meetings and functions.

St Luke’s is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone in our church community.
Janet Compton is St Luke’s designated Safeguarding Officer. If you have a concern, contact her by email, by phone on 07954 553370, or use the website contact form and choose “safeguarding” as the subject matter.
Contact Form
Read our church policy statement below.
Winchester Diocese has a dedicated safeguarding section on their website which can be accessed using the link below. You can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Manager by phone on 01962 737317 or email
Winchester Diocese Safeguarding WebsiteData Privacy
St Luke’s complies with GDPR data privacy obligations.
If you wish to get in touch with our Data Protection Officer, please scroll up and use the website contact form and choose “Data Protection” as the subject matter. Otherwise, for more information, please view our data privacy notice below.
St Luke’s Data Privacy Notice