What is the Food Centre?
The Food Centre based in Hedge End, Upper Northam Road SO30 4BZ and in Weston, Drayton Close SO19 9JN is a church led, community focused project that enables individuals and families to be supported during financial crisis.
The Food Centre provides dried, tinned and, fresh food which is donated by individuals, schools, churches and local businesses.
Our passion is to provide food with love and encouragement to those struggling within our communities.
Hedge End is open every Monday and Thursday at King’s Community Church from 10am to 1.00pm.
Weston is open every Thursday at The Hope Centre from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.
What is St Luke’s involvement?
The Food Centre is supported by “Churches Together” in the Southern Parishes area and has various food collection points including St Luke’s, Kings Community Church, Lidl and the Co-op in Hedge End.
Who to contact?
Alasdair Duncan
Telephone: 07543 925959