8th November, 2020 Remembrance Sunday

St Luke's Church in Hedge End


Today is our Remembrance Sunday Service

Opening Words

Please note that the video update below from the Churchwardens was prepared before the news of the second lockdown was announced. Please see the latest round robin email for details on what the impact of the lockdown means for St Luke’s.

Opening Prayer and Collect for Remembrance Sunday


Lord God, 

we have sinned against you;

we have done evil in your sight.

We are sorry and repent.

Have mercy on us according to your love.

Wash away our wrongdoing and cleanse us from our sin.

Renew a right spirit within us

and restore us to the joy of your salvation,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.



May the God of all healing and forgiveness

draw us to himself,

and cleanse us from all our sins

that we may behold the glory of his Son,

the Word made flesh,

Jesus Christ our Lord.

In Christ Alone

Living Hope

Lyrics: Living Hope
How great the chasm that lay between us
How high the mountain I could not climb
In desperation, I turned to heaven
And spoke Your name into the night
Then through the darkness, Your loving-kindness
Tore through the shadows of my soul
The work is finished, the end is written
Jesus Christ, my living hope
Who could imagine so great a mercy?
What heart could fathom such boundless grace?
The God of ages stepped down from glory
To wear my sin and bear my shame
The cross has spoken, I am forgiven
The King of kings calls me His own
Beautiful Savior, I’m Yours forever
Jesus Christ, my living hope
Hallelujah, praise the One who set me free
Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me
You have broken every chain
There’s salvation in Your name
Jesus Christ, my living hope
Hallelujah, praise the One who set me free
Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me
You have broken every chain
There’s salvation in Your name
Jesus Christ, my living hope
Then came the morning that sealed the promise
Your buried body began to breathe
Out of the silence, the Roaring Lion
Declared the grave has no claim on me
Then came the morning that sealed the promise
Your buried body began to breathe
Out of the silence, the Roaring Lion
Declared the grave has no claim on me
Jesus, Yours is the victory, whoa!
Hallelujah, praise the One who set me free
Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me
You have broken every chain
There’s salvation in Your name
Jesus Christ, my living hope
Hallelujah, praise the One who set me free
Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me
You have broken every chain
There’s salvation in Your name
Jesus Christ, my living hope
Jesus Christ, my living hope
Oh God, You are my living hope

Reading: Matthew 25:1-13


Great is the Darkness


We declare our faith in these words

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, 
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, 
born of the Virgin Mary, 
suffered under Pontius Pilate, 
was crucified, died, and was buried; 
he descended to the dead. 
On the third day he rose again; 
he ascended into heaven, 
he is seated at the right hand of the Father, 
and he will come to judge the living and the dead. 
I believe in the Holy Spirit, 
the holy catholic Church, 
the communion of saints, 
the forgiveness of sins, 
the resurrection of the body, 
and the life everlasting. 

I Believe in Jesus


The Lord's Prayer

Our Father in heaven, 
hallowed be your name, 
your kingdom come, 
your will be done, 
on earth as in heaven. 
Give us today our daily bread. 
Forgive us our sins 
as we forgive those who sin against us. 
Lead us not into temptation 
but deliver us from evil. 
For the kingdom, the power, 
and the glory are yours 
now and forever. 

Abide with Me

Closing Prayer

Closing Prayer

Eternal God,

our beginning and our end,

accompany us in this day’s journey.

Dawn on our darkness,

open our eyes to praise you for your creation

and to see the work you set before us today.

Take us and use us

to bring to others the new life you give in Jesus Christ

our Lord.


God grant to the living grace, to the departed rest,
to the Church, the Queen, the Commonwealth
and all people,
unity, peace and concord,
and to us and all God’s servants, life everlasting.
And the blessing of God Almighty,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with us all and remain with us always.


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Thank you for joining in our worship.